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000089_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Tue Jan 20 08:45:58 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Tue Jan 20 08:45:57 1998
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From: "Engvall, Sofia" <Sofia.Engvall@COMPAQ.COM>
To: "'amos-list@access.digex.net'" <amos-list@access.digex.net>
Subject: RE: A lot of questions... :-)
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 05:57:43 -0600
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>>> - Is there a bug in the Parallel commands? As soon as I use
>>> Parallel Get, Parallel Send... the computer goes stone dead!!! :-(
>> No theres no bug, the miggy is just waiting for hand shake signals
>> from parallel.device (or is it printer, i forget?)
>Hi Lee! :-)
>It is the Parallel device...
>When I try this I have my computer connected (with parallel 0-modem
>cable) to another (my boyfriends Amiga 500 with OS3.1). I run Parallel
>Send "xxx" on one of them and Parallel Get (don't remember...) on the
>other... I have done a parallel check before to... Do I have to do
>something more??? Or is this simply not what it was meant for???
>Thanx for the reply! :-)